Friday, June 27, 2008

Do You Overspend On Make-Up?

How much money you spend on make-up per month? Recently, I have come across results of a research that showed that most women spend much more on make-up than they need.
I checked my cosmetic box and found that there are many things that I never use, several lipsticks of the same color, useless things. Well, researchers point out that women tend to overspend on make-up. Many of us buy lipsticks, eye shadows, lotions, etc without any necessity. For instance, you have a little time after lunch or right after your work, what would you do? Many girls prefer to go shopping. Most of us can control our spendings on clothes but beauty treatment is a quite different thing. Lots of women buy a lipstick or rouge every day. So, only at the end of the month we realize how much we spend.
How to save money? First, stop looking in beauty shops every day. Try to buy only the things you really need. For this, examine your cosmetic box. Make a list of things you need and follow the list when you go shopping.
Try to control your spending habits and you will see that you make more money that you have thought.


Ylan said...

I really don't use make up but i have a couple of lipsticks. I just like the colors. I know i have to use them somehow... before its put to waste. :)

Nora P. said...

thanks for the visit and comment. have a good one.